Mobile Conversion Services
Offgrid Depot offers custom mobile conversion services out of our facility in Smeltertown, Colorado.
We provide OFFGRID enhancements or a complete renovation to the vehicle of your choice. Got an ambulance that needs some solar? A skoolie needing a welded step? A sprinter wishing for an upgrade? A classic RV with plumbing probs? Searching the web and don't want to shell out your kid's college fund but need some support with a few To Dos?
We GOT you.
We've recently entered Mobile Conversion work after a year of working on our spirit guide - Trudy Metatron, a 2001 Bluebird bus that has been renovated to a new life after working the ski hills in Snowmass. This work has been incredibly challenging and tested our limits and love. And we are excited to have discovered new skills we can bring to this world! Offgrid Depot is going mobile and it all begins at the shop in Smeltertown.
We bring a gifted team to this work, who thrive off bringing creative and unique solutions to your rig. In addition to a full overhaul, we can perform the following a la carte services: